Abuse Message [AbuseID:B136C2:1D]: AbuseNormalMail: [CRDF Labs Operations] [ALERT] Detection of 97 threats on your network (spam, virus, malware, scam)

We have received information regarding spam and/or abuse from ops@crdflabs.fr.Please would you take all necessary measures to avoid this in the future.We also request that you send a short response within 24 hours. This response...

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Abuse Message [AbuseID:B136A0:1F]: AbuseNormalMail: [CRDF Labs Operations] [ALERT] Detection of 97 threats on your network (spam, virus, malware, scam)

We have received information regarding spam and/or abuse from ops@crdflabs.fr.Please would you take all necessary measures to avoid this in the future.We also request that you send a short response within 24 hours. This response...

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