Abuse Message [AbuseID:A8A40A:0F]: AbuseNormal: [a981710e06ce91b0]: Cloudflare received a DMCA copyright infringement complaint regarding one of your customers.

Hello,  Cloudflare received a DMCA copyright infringement complaint regarding covarde.cf  Cloudflare offers network service solutions including pass-through security services, a content distribution network (CDN), and...

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Abuse Message [AbuseID:9FCAC7:17]: AbuseNormal: [9ff20495d4986a50]: Cloudflare received a DMCA copyright infringement complaint regarding one of your customers.

Cloudflare received a DMCA copyright infringement complaint regarding: kinoblack.net  Please be aware Cloudflare is a network provider offering a reverse proxy, pass-through security service. We are not a hosting provider...

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