[AbuseID:CB76C0:18]: AbuseNormalMail: [Autoreporter 2af29391-94a1-4ab2-8f32-cf5b394126f6] Summary of your network security incidents (Hetzner)

We have received an abuse report from ncsc-fi-autoreporter@traficom.fi.

Please check the report for details and fix any (potential) problems:

Hash: SHA512

NCSC-FI has received information regarding IP-addresses in your network which may have security problems. The information regarding the problems is included as an attachment in CSV format. Data lines have the following format:
asn|ip|source time|domain name|cc|type|uuid|info

Here cc refers to the country code, type to the type of the security problem, and uuid is the unique identifier of the event in Autoreporter. The info column is reserved for any additional information. The column always includes an anonymous identifier for the datasource that is used in the report. All timestamps are given in UTC.

This report is electronically signed using the PGP-key of Autoreporter. The key is available at

For more information on the reported events please contact NCSC-FI at cert@traficom.fi.

— — asn: 24940
— — ip range:

— — start UTC time: 2023-06-29 06:00:13Z
— — end UTC time: 2023-06-30 06:00:11Z

24940||2023-06-29 17:30:08Z||FI|bot|fa105d8d-59c5-4155-84ca-f629fcd32d7f|Datasource: l, Malware: unspecified bot, C&C Ip:, C&C Port: 80, Additional Information: B67-SS-GENERIC, Source Port: 55249,,

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