Abuse Message [AbuseID:98F4FC:18]: AbuseNormalMail: [Autoreporter 41ff1379-fa72-4e88-9c3b-90819223f7ef] Summary of your network security incidents (Hetzner)

We have received information regarding spam and/or abuse from ncsc-fi-autoreporter@traficom.fi.Please would you take all necessary measures to avoid this in the future.We also request that you send a short response within 24...

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Abuse Message [AbuseID:98869A:2C]: AbuseNormalInfo: [noreply] abuse report about — Mon, 22 Nov 2021 14:49:36 -0500 — service: imap (First x 1) RID: 1031212507

Hello Abuse-Team,  your Server/Customer with the IP: ** (static. has attacked one of our servers/partners. The attackers used the method/service: *imap* on: *Mon, 22 Nov 2021...

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