Abuse Message [AbuseID:76ECA7:26]: AbuseNormal: [NTT-C16495967L] NTT Security Incident Notification

We have received information regarding spam and/or abuse from your server:

NTT has received a complaint regarding a security incident
originating from your network. NTT takes these issues very seriously, therefore,
please review the attached complaint and respond to the allegations made. If
you need to conduct an investigation into these allegations, please continue to
update NTT on the status of the investigation. When sending an email regarding
this issue, please use the same subject line. Where a server or workstation has
been compromised by a system intrusion, worm, or virus, we strongly recommend
that the server or website be taken offline until the investigation is complete and
the server or website has been secured. If you have any questions regarding this
e-mail, please let us know.


Please take all necessary measures to avoid this in the future.

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