[Abuse #GVFDPHNXZL] Abusive use of your service ns3032491.ip-91-121-89.eu


The hosting of an abusive content (Copyright) on your dedicated server ns3032491.ip-91-121-89.eu has been reported to or noticed by our Abuse Team.

Technical details (such as URLs) showing the aforementioned problem follow :

— start of the technical details —
\— about — http://fortnite.cheap/ \— description follows — I am a U.S.-based attorney and I represent Epic Games, Inc. (“Epic”) in this matter and other intellectual property matters. Epic is a creator, developer, and publisher of video games and content-creation software, and has its headquarters in the U.S. State of North Carolina.

Among many other trademark registrations around the world, Epic owns EUTM Registration No. 17947714 for FORTNITE covering “software programs for video games” and U.S. Trademark Registration No. 4481629 for FORTNITE covering “video game software.”

Epic is also the holder of several U.S. copyright registrations in its Fortnite game; specifically, Fortnite is the subject of U.S. Copyright Registration Nos. TXu01-895-864 (dated December 18, 2013), TX008-186-254 (dated July 14, 2015), TX008-254-659 (dated March 3, 2016), TX008-352-178 (dated December 23, 2016), and TX0008-507-210 (dated March 21, 2018), among others. These copyrights are protected under the U.S. Copyright Act, and protection is extended to other countries by operation of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.

The website at http://fortnite.cheap/ infringes Epic’s trademark rights in FORTNITE by (i) prominently using Epic’s mark at the top of the website (including in the same font used by Epic), and (ii) using Epic’s mark as the entirety of the second level of its domain name. Additionally, the website reproduces and publicly displays a number of Epic’s copyright-protected images from Fortnite. Indeed, it appears that everything for sale at http://fortnite.cheap/ is an exact reproduction of Epic’s copyright-protected images from Fortnite.

Accordingly, I respectfully request that OVH disable access to http://fortnite.cheap/. Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide, or if you have any questions.

Thank you.
\— logs follow — There are no relevant technical details. The basis for this complaint is stated above. Category: copyright \— Forwarded email(s) —

— end of the technical details —

Your should investigate and fix this problem, as it constitutes a violation to our terms of service.

Please answer to this e-mail indicating which measures you’ve taken to stop the abusive behaviour.


The OVH Abuse team.

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