В наш адрес поступила жалоба на Ваш сервер с адресом Просим принять меры по устранению причин данной жалобы.
Текст жалобы:
Cloudflare received an abuse report regarding:
Please be aware Cloudflare is a network provider offering a reverse proxy, pass-through security service. We are not a hosting provider. Cloudflare does not control the content of our customers.
The actual host for hungcarhealthpeli.tk are the following IP addresses. Using the following command, you can confirm the site in question is hosted at that IP address: curl -v -H «Host: hungcarhealthpeli.tk»
Below is the report we received:
Reporter: Anonymous
Reported URLs:
Logs or Evidence of Abuse: Again the same hacker website creating automated content and a multitude of automated websites using my personal data (name) to create clicks.
Comments: Again the same hacker website creating automated content and a multitude of automated websites using my personal data (name) to create clicks.
Please address this issue with your customer.
Cloudflare Abuse