[Abuse #TZNBCXFDWQ] Abusive use of your service ip-


The hosting of an abusive content (Copyright) behind your IP ip- has been reported to or noticed by our Abuse Team.

Technical details (such as URLs) showing the aforementioned problem follow :

— start of the technical details —
\— about — https://insurancecarrier.org/en/bisyit/blog1/?flow=50761&l=10510&utm_source=YipWonSystem-insurancecarrier&utm_term=www.nhnieuws.nl&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1anVkKbj6wIVXJp3Ch2rMg98EAEYASAAEgLgUPD_BwE \— description follows — Dear Sir, Madam,

On behalf of my client, DPG Media B.V. (hereinafter referred to as DPG), I urgently request your immediate attention for the following.

DPG is the largest publisher of newspapers in the Netherlands. For example, DPG is the publisher of the national newspaper AD. This newspaper is also accessible on the internet via www.ad.nl.

Recently, DPG has discovered one of your customers is the owner of the domain name insurancecarrier.org. The website behind this domain name, hereinafter referred to as the Website, is an exact copy of the website www.ad.nl and constitutes a violation of the rights of DPG in several ways. The Website is accessible via the following link:

First of all, the Website is clearly being used for fraudulent practices. The Website contains a fake news article about the well-known Dutch businessman Won Yip, which is full of factual inaccuracies and typing errors.
The article states how Won Yip has revealed how someone can profit from the current Corona-crisis by investing in a (fake) platform called Bitcoin System. The article furthermore describes how this platform can be used to make implausible high profits. By clicking anywhere on the Website, the internet user is being redirected to the website of Bitcoin System:

It is obvious that the only goal of the Website (and the displayed \u201cnews article\u201d) is to mislead and dupe the internet user. This is therefore very harmful to DPG and its customers. After all, Bitcoin System is clearly a scam. This is confirmed by several websites for the indication and reporting of scam websites. Therefore, by copying the layout of the website www.ad.nl and thus creating the false impression the Website is genuine, your customer is acting unlawfully against DPG.

Secondly, the owner of the Website is also infringing the intellectual property rights of DPG. The use of the trademark of DPG without its consent, constitutes an infringement of the exclusive trademark rights as mentioned in Article 2.20 section 2 under a and b of the Benelux Convention on Intellectual Property (BCIP). The provisions of this convention apply to this infringement, since the Website is accessible in the Netherlands. In addition, by copying the layout of the website www.ad.nl, the owner of the Websites is also infringing the copyright of DPG.

Therefore, on behalf of DPG, I request you to Immediately block (the access to) the website that is linked to the domain name insurancecarrier.org and/or delete the infringing and unlawful content that is displayed on this website.

Yours sincerely,

Menno Kroon \— logs follow — the link to the infringing content: https://insurancecarrier.org/en/bisyit/blog1/?flow=50761&l=10510&utm_source=YipWonSystem-insurancecarrier&utm_term=www.nhnieuws.nl&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1anVkKbj6wIVXJp3Ch2rMg98EAEYASAAEgLgUPD_BwE

the link to the orignal website: www.ad.nl Category: copyright \— Forwarded email(s) —

— end of the technical details —

Your should investigate and fix this problem, as it constitutes a violation to our terms of service.

Please answer to this e-mail indicating which measures you’ve taken to stop the abusive behaviour.


The OVHcloud Abuse team.

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