[Abuse #VQBJRSTXZN] vps346579.ovh.net


L’hébergement d’un contenu abusif (Copyright) sur votre VPS vps346579.ovh.net nous a été rapporté ou a été constaté par nos équipes.
Vous trouverez ci-après des éléments techniques (notamment URLs) montrant le problème :

— début des éléments techniques —
Cloudflare received an abuse report regarding:

Please be aware Cloudflare is a network provider offering a reverse proxy, pass-through security service. We are not a hosting provider. Cloudflare does not control the content of our customers.

The actual host for kobiecatwarzpolityki.pl is Using the following command, you can confirm the site in question is hosted at that IP address:
curl -v -H "Host: kobiecatwarzpolityki.pl"

Below is the report we received:

Reporter’s Name: Marco Falco
Reporter’s Email Address: email-removed@provider.com
Reported URLs:
Logs or Evidence of Abuse: This polish website is using the cloaking technique, in which the content presented to the search engine spider by www.kobiecatwarzpolityki.pl/ is different from the content presented to the user’s browser (that you could see visiting the site). This is done by delivering content based on the IP addresses or the User-Agent HTTP header of the user requesting the page. The infringment also consists in duplication of part of our website (seo title and meta description) resulting in the copy taking our place in Google results.
To replicate the issue you could just search for "migliori siti porno" on Google, and you will notice a polish website with our domain (migliorisitiporno.it) in the meta description as shown in this image:


Comments: Original Work: http://migliorisitiporno.it/
Evidence URLs URL: http://www.kobiecatwarzpolityki.pl/

Evidence of Original Work ownership:

Please address this issue with your customer.


Cloudflare Abuse

— fin des éléments techniques —

Nous vous demandons d’investiguer et de corriger ce problème qui présente une violation de nos conditions générales d’utilisation.

Merci de répondre à cet e-mail en indiquant les mesures que vous avez prises pour faire cesser cet abus.


L’équipe Abuse OVH.

Об авторе

Vitaliy Nixenkin

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